

原 高史
東京都生まれ。現代美術家。多摩美術大学絵画科油画専攻卒業、同大学院修了。ベルリンバイセンゼー大学。1990年代後半よりインスタレーション、プロジェクト、絵画作品を、ギャラリー、美術館、各国のビエンナーレで発表。2000年から文化庁在外研修、ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修にてドイツ・ベルリンに滞在。主な活動として、地域の人々とのコミュニケーションを通して得られた「ことば」を絵と共にパネルに描き、歴史的建物や、街や地域一帯の窓を埋め尽くす窓プロジェクト『Signs of Memory』を世界で展開。シンガポールビエンナーレ、ハバナビエンナーレをはじめ、国内外で作品発表。デザインワークでは企業、行政、教育機関でのサイン制作、企画、デザイン監修を行う。東北芸術工科大学グラフィックデザイン学科では、学生と地域連携プロジェクトを手掛けた。山形大学医学部附属病院内サイン制作、山形県酒田市ミライニデザイン制作、パスラボ山形ワイバンズ、山形雪フェスティバル、東京ガールズコレクション等

Takafumi Hara
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Contemporary artist. Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Tama Art University and completed postgraduate studies at the same university. Also studied at Berlin Weissensee School of Art. Since the late 1990s, has been presenting installations, projects, and paintings in galleries, museums, and various international biennials. Stayed in Berlin, Germany through cultural exchange programs with the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Pola Art Foundation since 2000.
One of the main activities involves depicting "words" obtained through communication with local people on panels along with paintings. This concept is showcased in the "Signs of Memory" window project, which fills historical buildings, cityscapes, and entire regions with windows. This project has been exhibited worldwide, including at the Singapore Biennale and Havana Biennale, and both domestically and internationally.
In the field of design, Takafumi Hara is engaged in sign production, planning, and design supervision for companies, government agencies, and educational institutions. He has also worked on collaborative projects with students and the local community at the Graphic Design Department of Tohoku University of Art and Design.
Additionally, Takafumi Hara has been involved in sign production for Yamagata University Hospital, design production for Mirai City in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture, as well as projects with Pass lab Yamagata Wyverns, Yamagata Wyverns, Snow Festival, and Tokyo Girls Collection, among others.